Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clockwork Cacophony

Its cockamamie crazy
Its here, its there, and in-between
It’s damn lazy, downright sleazy,
In the world of the living and the dead
It’s utterly ridiculous
It’s ludicrous and spurious
It’s the stuff you see upon the big screen
In a world designed to pressurize you head
Its undefined dementia
It’s yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Its sometimes lucid, more often twisted,
In a flashing neon scream fun house ride
Its paralyzing paranoia
Its time, its space, its fifth dimension
It’s unavoidably contagious and infectious
In a prismatic palace with no place to hide
Its inevitable insanity
It’s in your mirror, your clock, your pants
Its come round to pick you up with a grin
In a dancing Technicolor checkered cab
It’s weirdly wacky
Its chunky, its funky, its so libertine
Its all those things you were warned against
In a land where normal is a scary cartoon tune
Its cockamamie crazy
Its still here, and there, and in-between
It’s always lazy, snickering, and sleazy,
In this world of the living and the dead

Its what you make it…

R. C. Arquette
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