Saturday, March 8, 2008

Psychedelics in Memoriam

At first you need an excuse...

You say
You're looking for yourself,
or someone who looks like you
but is so much cooler than you..
or god, or euphoria...
Yes, a mystic search for truth,
the Maharishi Owsley...The grand guru
Mr. Leary and Kerouac and Ginsberg...
and cosmic love and total
but your mind is so small
and wrinkled
and closed
surely you
will never be enlightened...
not even enough to find
your ass
with both hands
and a flashlight...

So here...
take this freakin' tiny ass-pill...
expand your suburban consciousness
and unite with the Day-Glo cosmos
finding true harmony
and her sister melody
and with their mother nature
and the slowly spinning
slowly flushing
oneness of the
go forth and trip your
damn brains out...

Six years I colorfully crawled
and stumbled and ached while waiting
for that glorious day...
that spiritual pinnacle
in the life of the acid eater
when all would be explained...
all would be love...
incense and flowers
free love...

Sweating vibratory stinky paranoia
was the end result...
Six lost and blurry neon years...
through mescaline and acid hallucination
mushrooms, stp, and mda...
glassy dilated eyes wide and staring...
spinning from one dazed adventure
into another...
Some of the most exquisite beauty...
others of nightmarish morbidity...
Yet in the end, for what?...
Understanding I would have gained
without all the buzzed out insanity
by simply growing up...

Time moves on...
I enjoyed it lost in Wonderland
with Peter and the Lost Boys
for awhile, a great escape...
but I had to come down...
to come home...
hopefully as sane as I'd left...
For my mind is much to vivid
on it's own
for the surreal world
of psychedelics

I encourage no one...
but to each his own

R. C. Arquette

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